Sex Education 101: What is Sex Education and Why it should be mandatory<span class="bsf-rt-reading-time"><span class="bsf-rt-display-label" prefix="Reading Time"></span> <span class="bsf-rt-display-time" reading_time="4"></span> <span class="bsf-rt-display-postfix" postfix="mins"></span></span><!-- .bsf-rt-reading-time -->
Sex Education 101: What is Sex Education and Why it should be mandatory

What comes to your mind when you hear the term “Sex Education”? The popular Netflix show? (which I love btw, very excited for Season 3)
Or, do you think Sex Education is something that must not be talked about because it is “dirty” or “inappropriate”? Or, is it something in between?

Most of us do not have the proper education on this topic. As a result, there is so much stigma and so many myths (We have a whole series where we bust myths associated with Sex Education. Check it out here.) that surround Sex Education that most people do not even feel comfortable uttering the words out loud. In many ways, that is not our fault. However, we need to bridge this gap in education as fast as possible. Why? Let’s find out!

First thing’s first- What is Sex Education?

What is Sex Education?
According to Planned Parenthood, Sex Education encompasses a wide range of topics including but not limited to:

Human Development Including reproduction, gender identity, puberty, etc.
Relationships Including families, friendships, and other kinds of relationship dynamics, etc. 
Personal Skills Encompassing communication skills, decision-making skills, negotiation skills, etc. 
Sexual Behaviour Entailing Consent, Sexual Activity, Abstinence, Sexuality throughout life
Sexual Health Including Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), reproductive health and rights, contraception, and pregnancy, etc. 
Society and Culture Entailing gender roles, diversity, etc.

As we can see, Sex Education basically teaches children how to be a person and how to communicate with the environment they live in. It teaches children about their own bodies and how to take care of them. It teaches children how to respectfully communicate with those around them, how to express themselves in a healthy way. If the name bears so much stigma we can just call it “How to be a person” as that is what Sex Education essentially teaches us. However, it is important to call it what it is because “Sex” is not a bad word and the perception that it is a bad word needs to be eradicated as fast as possible.

Why is it Necessary?
Now that we have established what Sex Education is, it is actually apparent why it is very necessary. When children are going through the process of growing up it is very normal that they will have questions about their own bodies, their surroundings, and their role in society. It is important for the healthy development of a child that they are given this information in a scientific and appropriate way. Sex Education provides a safe space for the children to explore the natural curiosity they might have and ensures their proper development. If society fails to deliver this education to them in a healthy method they face the risk of being exposed to unsafe materials. This may result in children growing up with dangerous or maladaptive notions of themselves and their environment. Whether we like it or not sexuality is an integral part of humans. If we attach shame and stigma to it the result will not be favourable. On the other hand, if we develop our sexuality on our own terms with scientific knowledge we can ensure our proper growth. Whether or not it is addressed, the natural curiosity children have will always be there and if not validated properly, this lack of knowledge may manifest into dangerous notions and behaviour which can put both the children and their surroundings in danger. This is evident from the fact that It has been proven time and again that proper Sex Education dramatically reduces the rate of sexual violence. It is the right of every child that we teach them how to function in the world in a manner that ensures the betterment of both themselves and the society they live in. 

Sex Education in Bangladesh
When it comes to Sex Education in Bangladesh, it might feel as if the conversation is only being started and that is true to a large extent. However, Sex Education is neither new nor unheard of in Bangladesh. It might come as a surprise to most people, the Government of Bangladesh and BRAC actually have been facilitating Sex Education for some time now. BRAC introduced an Adolescent Reproductive Health Education (ARHE) programme in 1995. This program was directed at rural youth and it educated them about their reproductive health. You can read more about it here. This is pretty old news. More recently, the government of Bangladesh has developed “The National Adolescent Health Strategy 2017-2030” which focuses on four primary thematic areas: adolescent sexual and reproductive health, violence against adolescents, adolescent nutrition and mental health of adolescents. This project was led by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and guided by the Directorate General of Family Planning and is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. You can read the official document here. (We are publishing a critical analysis of the project soon, so, please stay tuned and keep an eye on our pages!)

As we can see, Sex Education is not a western concept and it has already been available in Bangladesh for some time now. Our job is to make it more accessible to the masses in a systematic and scientific manner.

There are a few non-profits in Bangladesh that offer Sex Education classes for free or at a minimal cost:

Sex Education Bangladesh, in particular, is conducting online classes for 9-13-year-olds right now and they also post a lot of helpful resources on their Facebook page so you should definitely check their page out. 

Are you a parent or a teacher who is looking for resources to help your child or students learn about Sex Education? This can help.

Are you someone who is curious about Sex Education but do not know where to start? Check this “amazing” website out. 

Happy learning! 

Stay tuned for our next article where we will dive further into the world of Sex Education!